Monday, August 15, 2011

An Update and a Lesson on Trusting God

There has been a lot of things going on the last few weeks that have prevented me from writing on here. I have several recipes and insights I would love to share with you all, but I feel that I must update what has been going on and why I haven't been writing.

This summer has gotten very busy, we've had a number of birthday parties and baby showers to attend to and I'm very thankful that my last blog entry was my Pumpkin Cupcakes because they have really come in handy with all of these parties. Also, my husband changed jobs a couple of times so getting use to his schedule and everything associated with a new job, not once but twice, this summer has made things a little crazy at home. I was also asked to be the light director of our church. If you have kept up on my blog you would know that I am already pretty active in that ministry, but now I have more responsibility. So, as you can see I needed some time to let the dust settle before I started writing again.

One thing that has really stood out for me during this time is how much God is in control and will guide our steps and our days, we just have to let him. When I let God control my day and my to do list things will most likely not go as I planned and not in the way I would do things either, but the end goal will be better then I could imagine. Sometimes waiting is the hardest part. We live in a society that everything must be now, this very minute. I'm the kind of person that paces in front of the microwave when it only has 30 seconds left. During this time of busy transitions for my family I've learned to bite my tongue when I want to talk about a subject or give to God my impatiences when I want to do something to speed things along.

Waiting on God is a lot like waiting for water to boil at high altitude. People who live at sea level have it easy, they turn on the stove and in minutes they have boiling water. I have to turn on the stove and wait 15 minutes for water to boil. It can make cooking dinner seem to take forever when everyone is hungry and ready. Boiling water and waiting in God's timing is like the old saying "A watched pot never boils." It will soon boil, but it seems like it never will, but as soon as you turn your back it's boiling. Same is with God and waiting for his timing. If we are so focused on when God is going to answer our prayers it will seem like he is never going to answer, but as soon as we let it go and come to an understanding that it will come in it's own good time, that is when God answers prayer.

I recently did a study on Abraham. He waited till he was 100 years old to have a child. His wife was also very old, in her 90's. They prayed and asked God many times when they were going to get a child. God made a promises that he would, but they still had to wait many decades. But when the baby did come it was perfect timing. God had great plans for that baby and the birth of that baby fit into God's over all plans for everyone. The timing was perfect. Also, no one couldn't doubt that the birth of this child wasn't a miracle from God based on the age of the parents. This story not only shows the glory of God, but how God will answer prayers. Abraham made a few mistakes and still God gave him his promised son. Abraham was sorry for the things he did, but his sins didn't push back the timing of his promised son or delete the promise.

"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you." John 15:7
 We can ask God for what we want, but please understand that this verse points out that if you are in His word that the things that are on His heart will also be in yours. God is the great Father. He gives his children what they need and want, just like a good parent. I always try to give my daughter what I knows she needs, even if she wants something else. For example, candy for dinner. That's never going to happen, but I know she wants food. At the same time I like to give her presents and I love seeing her face light up when I give her something she's been wanting. God is the same, even better, because he is God.

So if you are going through a difficult time, give it to God and wait on him. Listen to him to see if he has any direction for you and trust him with everything.

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