Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What I Decidied to do (in respose to Tuesday's post)

If you missed the post that this is in response to you can read it here

So I went to MOPS. It was ok. The classroom teachers for the kids didn't know what gluten was, but they said my daughter did a good job of her snack. I'm not sure what they meant by that since it seems that she ate very little of her snack, but they did say she ate her own snacks. She seemed to have a lot of fun in her class, so that is a big plus. I only had fruit to pick from which is ok, but not great since I had to skip breakfast to get there on time. It was fun and all the ladies seemed really nice and it was nice to reconnect with some friends that I haven't talked to in a long time, but I'm not sure I'll be back.

My biggest complaint is that there was too much focus on fun and socializing then prayer and spiritual growth. They didn't even pray over the meal. I find that a turn off if MOPS is suppose to be a Christian organization. The last MOPS I was a part of wasn't great about that either, but at least there was prayer for the food. As a a mom I find social time and fun things to do away from my kids relaxing and rejuvenating, but I want my spirit to be fed too. That is why I joined a Bible study after my last MOPS experience. I'm sure their are MOPS groups that focus on God more then others, I just wish they all did. I know part of the whole MOPS thing is to witness to moms who may not be going to church and in hopes that they will make the church that MOPS is hosted in their home church, but if their is no Christ in a Christian moms group then what is the point?

If any of you out their go to MOPS I hope that your group has a good balance of fun and God in their meetings, but if not and it is more like what I keep running into I hope that maybe their is something you can change or suggest to bring God back into more of the focus of your group.

The reason I wish God was more the focus of these groups is because as a mom I find it very difficult to find quite time in my crazy noisy day to read my Bible and to pray, so that is why I wish these mom groups would make this the focus. Relationships with other moms is important but my relationship with God is the most important relationship I could ever have, so why can't I find a moms group that feeds both my desire to connect with other moms while feeding my desire to know my Creator better? I'm going to try out another moms group tonight at my church. I think the focus of this group is how to find that quite time as a busy mom and how to teach our children about God at a tender and young age. Which I think will be awesome because these have been questions I've been asking so many parents and haven't found the answers to yet.

I think getting connected in a group that can be your support in life and in growth in God is supper important I hope you all can find a group that meets both of those needs and if you aren't in one yet, I encourage you to find one.

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