Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter Egg Treats

Easter is right around the corner, so I've been busy getting ready for it. I hate buying holiday treats. The frustration is mostly for my daughters sake. She is allergic to nuts, mainly peanuts. She has a mild allergy so if something has been made in a factory containing peanuts she will be fine, but the nut or nut butter itself is the problem. I love seeing all of those cute holiday candy holder gift items, but it is so frustrating trying to find something that list the ingredients on those things. Either the gift item is in the way of the list or the packaging is done is such a way that the list becomes unreadable. I can't stand it when a product says "Assorted Candy," because I have no idea which ones, if any, contain nuts. If so many people are allergic to nuts, especially peanuts, why hasn't the candy market gotten on the ban wagon and switched to using Sunbutter? Their profits would go up, because more people could eat them that couldn't before.  So for me, it's easier just to make stuff then to hassle with buying something I'm not sure is safe. These are treats that I made the other day. I got the idea when I saw these egg shaped treats in a parenting magazine. Normally when you see rice treats they are squares, but what a cool and fun way to redo the traditional snack. Rice Krispies' has the original recipe, but I changed a few things.

Egg Treats

When making these egg treats, just follow the recipe that is on the web site. It's just like making normal square treats, but in a different shape. As you can see I use a different cereal. Rice Krispies haven't come out with their new gluten free version of rice cereal yet, at least not in my area. So I use Koala Crisps instead. I mean, what is the harm in a chocolate egg? I rather my daughter dine out of these then a real chocolate egg.

I only made six eggs with my plastic egg molds, but they came out pretty big. You have to grease your eggs and hands really well when packing in the cereal. I also found it easier to stuff the bottom part of the egg full then fill the top part mostly full, jam in my candy and then let the bottom part seal it up. For the candy I used mini dark chocolate eggs. I put the left over cereal mixture into a glass dish and cut them into squares.

When taking the ones in the egg molds out, it can be kinda tricky. You don't want to leave them in there for a long time, just a few minutes is all they need to take egg shape. To take them out of the molds I rolled them around, almost like cracking a hard boil egg, to loosen the shell. This way I could take the eggs out in one piece. Also if your egg mold halves are attached, it will be very difficult to take the cereal out. I suggest breaking or cutting the little plastic that holds them together.


  1. Hi Dinah Jo,
    I empathize with your frustration, but I so admire your diligence to keep your daughter safe--and your creativity in creating safe yet still special snacks. Thanks for the inspiration on many levels. Have a blessed Easter.

  2. Thanks Elizabeth. You have a blessed Easter too.


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